Loctl News. illDEPEIIDEBT STANDARD Thoughts on Temperance. the Yung Ameriky under the dilly J. S. Adams, the Among the subjects that gunt kare" of its eddyturwil purhaps allay tho'fbaukerin ot sum STATE NEWS.
rA BioiOne. Henry JJay, of Westminster recently slaughtered and sent to a meat market in IJrattleboro, a hog weighing 727 pounds. A. A. EAHLE; EDITOR.
Boston Live Stock Market. BRIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE AND MEDFORD For the ttxk udiog fdnesdty', March t't Amount Stock at Market. worthj manhood, those from whom the shock of war has borst the chains. This will be a great work, a long work, one that will test -our patience, our liberality, and our genuine regard for the colored manms our brother; and before it is well done, -we suppose it very efficient and hard working Secre- should agitate the public mind, there tary of our State Board of Education, is not one of greater interest than that thet it will a abnl shoat thare kin Bartoni Friday, Ilsxdh know dowt, for ii hez ingaygei sum was in this village on last Friday and of Temperance none at this day of Liquor Suit. Lora iD.
Hill of ov the best ntcrsiit Irizbug in the evening lectured at the Congrc- jour country's history that all sober bti Johnsbury; a brought befor bute its kolums. hez a galluxy gational Church upon the subject ol intelligent minds should engage in 2.00 Justice Chad wick for selling liquor TEUltlS. One yer in mdranee, BATBS OF ADTUTIinra. may test our faith in the equality of the human races, and -the virtue of common schools, which it is unneces- more heartily, and all may do some uv naims thet shood maik enny eddy tur feel prowd nv amung whiteh contrary to law. He pleaded guilty sary to add was treated in his usually thing either by precept or example in and was fined $60 and costs.
One column, one year. 75,00 40,00 25,00 Half column, one year. may purinittid 2 meushun Gack printiss, awthor of "Snarly Harryman On fourth column, one year, One square, (12 one year, One square, or lena, three weeks. 8.00 forcible style. He endeavored to perl extending its healthful influence; i5ea.i02j!?...hlinJllay hayegrpwn asa nation to be intem- was for their interest to have a good perate in morehan spirituous graded school here, that it would tend liquors, we run into excesses of al Trial Concluded.
a i week Thursday was a day of excitement in Fai rleeT some wo'liun dred people having assembled in the Town House should be a triqity whose power should move millions to act in behalf of suffering humanity, to emancipate them from the slavery of the cup, servitude at first is willing and then binding. If the laws of the nation "are not sufficient to control the wholesale trade of Alcohol, men must be taught and moved by that higher law of Go3, that moral obligation that binds us to each other and fo Him who rules Ver the destinies "xf enforced, they would no longer deface and deform the image of God in man, in which it is said man was created; but purified, freed, unfettered, and in nature's right to freedom of intellect and soul, man should progress in knowledge and wisdom. Every man and every woman shouljl strive to aid his or her neighbor and when this is done, when the Golden Rule is put in practice, is realized in or tha Maggers Ll Sheep. Slioics. Fnt Hoes This weekc 2227 3741 gs Lsntweek, 1807 300 One year ago, 1797 3568 150 PRICES.
BEEF Per 100 Ils. on tobil weight of Hido Tilllow anil Meat, Extru, 13,00 a $13,25 Fii qniliry, $11.75 a 12,50 Second quality, a 11,50 Third quality. 10.50 a a choice iiiRlc pair $13 50 a 14,00 tome of poorest. Bulls, Ac, 9,50 a $10.50 Oxvn-v175 a 275 handy Steers $100 or much according to tlieir value for licet j1, i i "Cows and Yonn? Calves Fair qonlitv, 850 75 extra, 80 a 100 farrow and dry, 30 1 Sheep- Per live weipht, 7 a 8 extra 8 1-2 a 10c; sheared 4 3-4 5 l-2c. a H.des Brighton, 9 a cts.
per country 8 8 I 2 cts. To I iv 7 a 9 1.2 cts. per lb. C.ijf-Skins 23 cm. per ll.
Pelts 2,00 a $,.50 each. Lel notice, 12 cents per line tor one, two, or threejnwrtfcms. No paper discontinued until alt arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisherm- and sevril uther lawsoots lice has a to hear the conclusion of the case of karacter tallunts thet iz'verry rare to adrance the intellectual and mate- most all kinds, and the extremes of the State and School Teacher vs. Ma hee iz a abull cnterprysin lilfbyral Results of the War-No. VII.
endy: and -The prosecution man whoze linluenz will felt, gudge was conducted by Dickey, in tis usua forcible style; while the respondent: Nigh is awlsow selcoore! to "bare the heet and burdin of the da" fe to "stau were defended by Gov. Martin, wit man. Through the providence of God the time has come when we' ean do all our hearts move us to do, for those so long held in bondage, with no laws, and no interpretation of the laws by the courts, to molest u3, or to make U3 afraid. We have looked for this time and prayed for it and it has come, though not altogether as we were expecting. Proclamations or laws or Constitutions can do little more.
These can never make the Freedinen intelligent, virtuous, and happy citizens. The work that shall raise, them must be done by themselves, aided by the kind hands of those that truly love them. The results of the war have taken away the obstacles to this. Leg slioleder 2 sholcdcr" with mi naber i as much ability as the ease would war IlKMAKKs. The whole number of cnttle at m-irkct is full 400 more than List week, a nrcttv tfcM.d shin of which arc from Canada, evpr rant.
The witnesses proved that the the next mister Tiler the very manner in which the boys had treated imisoi niiH-11 iirv 1110 ninn imrcd 1 st xsillint Ass is taut eddytur long witl the lad teacher was an outrage to rial prosperity of the town as much living seem to find a place in our as any other one thing; that where borders. But it is that indulgence in the system had been tried in most of intoxicating drink that I would write the large towns in the state, it had of at this time, and I would that my the utmost satisfaction. He pen could trace thoughts that would urged it upon the people Of Barton to nvove and fasten themselves upon the try it for themselves as a matter ol minds of all who shall read these lines, dollars and cents, if from no higher I would have all intelligent men and motive, and also paying a handsome women engage in the Temperance re- compiiment to the town gent rally for form most zealously and earnestly. its spirit of enterprise and thrift, and The subject must be agitata, and counselling to "stay not their hands" here let me say I rejoice that our in the future, but improve our excel- joupty paper has takeri' the prominent lent water power, build a good hotel, place it has in the cause. I am "lad mister Simuns in the xpress is 2 help the Christian civilization of the age niniilitr ovir tho Northern roiulu wag 771 nll.i iivtr 200 more th 111 last But the worst it was that the Imti hers iiad read the report of he Aliiany mnrket which represented prices as having been cousiilerablv lower there.
Contr Our enumeration of the good results othe slaveholder's rebellion will not be complete unless we include that which to many seems chiefest, the destruction ot slavery. Slavery was at the bottom of all our past political troubles, and it was threatening us in the future. As the lovers of freedom were pushing on their labors for the development of the highest condition of man, the upholders of slavery, the konsidcrabuliy hee iz 2 crittysize th and the jury were not slow in fixin its application to our lives here, then ad vytyscin tints atlOJ 2 the vcgitible the stigma of public contempt in the our ourcners expetcu to tie ab to buy dicir stock priipo.tionably lower. But I lie Noi we no longer shall need to do battle verdict ot 'guiltv. Ihe sympathie dcepartmun.
Sow eyryl. has. an ap v.iinu. unitci Miil'lt was pi i-hii-u wi.iioue iiiiv Dflli fir nr rnti.i-nn. with the evils that now beset us on he prowpryS speer ov axyun.
this ar- of the crowd were instinctively man ifested in three cheers for the teach dceline in the Albany market, and were willin every hand, for lovj to God and iove rayngemunt must meat the wants' of to come to ine terms ot flic butcher's. C.iiic-quently trade was dull at Camliil'e er, and three groans for the 'rebs. to man will be the prime element declino of 1.2c per lb. or more. Rich oxen were advocates of a subordination of races, Ihe verdict will do much to strengtl islation ean do nothing more.
Per owcr kummnnity, whitch-hcz allerz de-mandid a cheep littcratoor the prise noumi. lor, uuu coon at iz l-yc: at wh eh and all -'other things should be added to see a column in 'the paper headed. en the efficiency of the teachers there iivicv a carload of prime oxen from White Ciwk N. were sold. A lit 11111 r.
making one the hewers of wood and sonal and associated voluntary benev olence must do the rest, the color unto us. ov this ing butt 50 seats most pre the drawers of water for the other, our lives. We must work for that time to come, and let all feel they have something to do. Let every oi.e help to forward the reign of Seizure of Smuggled Goods. On vale.
halleloover all hale Yuntr wore tightening the hnnds that hold ft mon -n-iil sink back in Lo a cnnrlitinn Saturday night, Feb. 10, Deputy Col Cinada were sold in small bunches iittVom 10 l-2e to 12c per Hi. 28 western steers, of lietter qunliiv at 12 1-4 to 12 3-4c, 1-3 to 3tt per of live 1 allowed aioff.il. Where any thing over 13 cts. per lh.
is paiu Uiis week, it ia in consequence of the extra irood oualirv of On. 1,1,11. b. Amerik'v! charlcs Gackn.anis 2 the lector (jreo. JIartsnorn seized near the colored jnan in subjection, and they Scarcely, if at all, better for their per wnrw onflpftvorino" fn -rtirnt tht nroa I 1 i Listers' Meeting.
The Haters in the various towns in this county are to meet at the Court House in Iras burgh on Monday next, to agree upon the li ne in Canaan a horse, harness and thus benefit their fellow-men. One for the Cause. or the extra cood 'liutnrn innl'm Krnli'u t.F ii. publysher. i must kloze, fur mi shuniakin dew 0 suuut uappmess, man meir old con- sleigh, bufialo robes and two kegs of euipcrancc Column," anl find in it he' stirring, earnest work of reform: The Press all through the country should take up the work, and never it down until this hydra-headed monster is stripped of its power to harm.
In connect ion with the Press, the Pulpit should openly advocate such sentiments as should be of incal- oi our country over wmcn mis system, dition of bondage. But this is areat buyer. Onecai load of yearlin js'averaiM'd jut about per head. Working oxen mitl mi loll aiMiTj t. whiskev7 belonging to E.
O. Sawyer so degrading to half the population. hvork which the war has done, when tiz ardewus at the presuut time i do knot like 2 hev m'v" littera'rv biznis a uniform rate of appraisal of person The next day he seized another fu' should prevail, fco the "irrepressible it has opened to the unmolested effort Our Irasburgh Correspondence. Iiuscua, March tho 18, 188G. team, which Sawver used to bring out men unii m'ner ui.s weik tliau beeves.
1330 cattle from Tliorc are only 3,41 shcep-lUof which are VV estcrn more than 2000 ies than List week when the supply was net nt nil mperabuiidiii't' the ti-adc the Miller. Ih some cases Where the buyer f-hoved a nartienliir onto my worldli datiz, i shall al property. Real tate Sale. Mr. Isoac K.
whiskey the same night of and after conflict" was raging, and the displeas- 0f benevolence, four millions of people, ure of the Great Father of all was heretofore mostly shut out from the the first seizure. So the old man wa; oblyged 2 bid a jow this time. A. Buown Saugsnt, F. R.
S. ety for a particular lot, he may liiive overbid the means of confiscating two teams ol this town.has sold his farm benefit in helping on the good i Mister Ldu-u i lttur Az hev lee residid in this fhirrishin town, and no sumthin of the ingoins and outkum- provoKeo. At last meconnictot charities of the christian world. uuu-, oui ine range ot prices has not varied much from last week. Still i.
in one mght, and neither-of them his came to its utmost height, and Surely may we all, and especially Aot a Lean, a ask yure parding has'had the nleasurc and advantage of customer ho wnnied their cooils. mwl own. Also, leb. b. the same officer i J.
liev nienshunned li, bL yu hcv- seized two wagons, three harnesses UbU.iu wj. tjiose who have long prayed for the dom of Infinite and Eternal Justice I the carloads for the bid of other bit -t here For nyihmg over 8 cts. the r. au. mar jxutter.
1 lie price paid work. Our prominent lecturers should is $8,200. rivc thcil. aUcst cffortg in the Mv. Drew advertises his persona' peranco reform, should make it popu-property for sale.
He has some very ar. and when once that is done, hum-choice cows. Go to the auction. If. ble persons and their efforts will be probly send a pees in the Child's pay- 1 auuiiuuu ui slavery, listen with joy and thing nice.
Tlie ten-centers nr i and one horse for having been used to smuggling out whiskey, all the prop ireeuoui a mows were me naraesiana praise to the Master fulfiUill rich cossets. There ure many good droves of sheep tins week. mins ov its cityzuns, purhaps it will knot kum amiss for me 2 rite a few lines onto the kondishun of tilings hear, generally, eoz gone now there doan't appeer 2 enny 1 else that has suffishunt a and in- erty oi u. letclier ot Stewartstown 1 here were 50 veals at market I his wek. most persistent, ine result ot the -m the3e recent workg of thig thjJ an WOW lino CtAAnM3 tl.A AnA.11 I X.
II. He also seized. Mareh 4- nt nerco, auctioneer. Nutter ad received with favor and the influence "tt Ul BIilC- Clent WOrdg an(J by b()th fc ir. nA k.
1 -I 1 ilrral. N. a horse and kog of whis vcrtises his home farm. auu uaauHieu um WOrds saying to us "Blessed are The West Roxbury Horror. key, and broke up an Irish row among aowniau ail the world.
1 he sacn- vour ejeS) for they see and Jf)up The Parsonage on Craftsbury Com lie logmen, caused by the whiskey fxtend to all, I am saddened when I look at the young men, and even the boys, that so soon are to become the citizens DISCOVERY OP THE SUPPOSED MCRDEREK, Also, ou March 1st, he seized in Ca mon was a scene of unusual bustle and pur sevril weaks sense with mi name it but i nevor rote a sceiitjnce ov it it waz a outravgens forgegery it wer did bi Tiler i disgust him for it; itt waz 2 lo for a kultivatid shewmayker ov mi well none karakter but it will dolor a wiggling fc gigglin petty logger hev 2 mutch kou lid-dunce iu2 me 2 lay those change 2 ine it were a trick 2 divyde us d'raw mi jparkiiu eppygrums 2 em koatinner-ly but stick 2 yu tiii deth do us part." yu me 2 mutch 2 quit iest BxCh ucuhuuhi uy ui for tnej hear For TCrily, I say unto past sins in tolerating so foul a wrong that many prophets and righteous tclloctooal cultur 2 do sow. Awl the rest ov urn sarchin for '-filthy hiker," for vittuls and drini. (o Jiow "ardent" the labors ov sum on em) and for "the wherewithal! shall we be naan a keg of whiskey found at the joyousness on Thursday last, notwith Thc stor- of the horrible murder end of a footpath on the bank of the and men of our towns. now are the, u.m fcu.rK.ng me moor needed to men have desired to see those tiling of the wo Joyee children, Isabella, a rjverj owner unknown. Caledonian.
resist out at last it has been offered. which ye 8ee and have gCen them to become wise, judicious, honorable standing the heavy rain. Members of the parish from far and near were there, and with them came a variety that shall help to form our laws icautiiul frirl of 14 years, just blooin-nt? iii to womanhood, and John, her uauw to avert tne displeasure and to hear those things which ye Smuggling On the 3d offi- t-t uu. pmtxum, earf and have nofc hcard thein and build up society, education, relig cers turner and lntcomb seized in of things useful, beautiful, and delici OHiirer brother, in Roxburv, (sum ov these remarx is skripter.) things iz hear abowt as usual only a tryful moar sow when left things was ruthcr onsettled Ice or 2ce and iast Haven o0 gallons Canada wins ion. all enterprises, if this too com ast punimer.
is too fresh in the minds ous, which didn't break up and "-o ana messing the iuture. Not that everv colored man i nn-ar 3 jt- A. B. S. liey, 5 galions brandy.
3 chests tea of all to need recounting. Therms. mon practice of tippling Is not speed home in the evening. On--Monday ami a Quantity ot mitmprr r- tery which has shrouded the trajredv iy abandoned. It -must be abandonee afternoon and evening another isit actually in the secure possession of all ATROCIOU3 Murder.
Victim his sacred rights of person, property. Dured to Ashes' A terr.ible murd. social well beinir. and domestic hnru accmpanied by circ*mstances pecu- eems likely now to be fully unveiled, is believed that the violate and It must be looked upon with disfavor by all. transpired at the same place, and, it being pleasant without as well as within, the enjoyment of the previous oc murderer has been discovered.
The Kimpton, one of the firm of' Kimptori Brothers, Island Pond, was the unfortunate gentleman engaged in this illegal traffic. By means of it he lost his cargo, two horses, two sleigh, and is now under $G00 bonds. Diness. Nt that nr Snnih.m Iiarl-V similar to ose which were as- Those who buy and sell and traffic Piston papers give the following de- brethren hav-ehanTedtWir mJna sociated with a celebrated case in purhaps 3 times, but Aver now in statuary quo. thare hez ben sum slight changes sense left sum new fbax hev moved in2 town and sum old 1111 hev moved out.
Wlmther the nu 111 I enny better than the old 1111 remans 2 seen, Butt i liardlv sea How it can bee. ails of the discovers: in the poisonous, destructive article. casion was not less than equalled. desires, or passions. We have tht irassacnusetts, took place in Loneville, On the fifth day of August Mr must nave some influence bear ihe 1 astor and his family gratefully best reasons to know that tW hv rtJ'uc UOUBlJ toward the close Wctherbec.
of Ashburnham. a. denutv against their terrible dcath-dealin acknowledge the receipts of the past heriff, was informed that a houso. in not, and that they will still hold the m0nth' A local PaPer de week, which together with a valuable liaPPil1css destroying business. When The Fenians and Irish Liberty.
Ireland has had half a dozen incipient rebellions within the memory of its oldest inhabitant. All failed to a-complish their ostensible object, yet nearly all accomplished something indirectly for the Irish people. The hope that the Fenian rumpus may accomplish something in the same" way is its only redeeming feature. The immediate results must be suffering and disappointment to the Irish at home. To our American Irish it is only a pleasant excitement, and thev may as well enridi the leaders with their spare cash as to spend it in some other ways.
The feelilio-of svmrtliv Gardner had been entered that morn- cnlm-ml mnn if Scribes it US follows New Year's gift and other nrcenN so man' halW homes are made deso robbed of a silver watch, and Extensive Robberies of freight. The mysterious disappearance, for some time past." of freight passing over the Vermont Central Railroad, led to an investigation by J. W. Hobart, the efficient and vigilant Master of Transportation, which lias resulted iu the discovery of a series of robberies and if they cannot, that they will hold that a German by the ilioap with what nu 111 we havand what we xrxet 2 hav. will Iwm- so many hearts saddened and everai other articles.
Sheriff Weth- during the past six months amount in hi.nina position as subordinate to e-w lder' abot rbee at onee started in riursnit of jrushed for a lifetime, so many men of alue to more than $150 besides an fOdeney 2 elleviS the monrnfull con- the thief, tracked him and arrestod genius ruined in their earthly career dishun and the morrills of our nee- nn near East Wilton, N. If. thc fol- elegant carpet, which in a pleasantly mysterious manner found its way into -r. mree iourths of a mile from the above themselves as possible. But at least, mmer? ion iue aooe 11 xi named place, on a farm belonging to the spell of their dominion is broken, Mr.
T. Duncan of Ottumwa has and oar Republic has started on tho en missing since the night of Feb- Ttnnl to-frewlOTn, TWkl-o, rua.J 22. Mr, K. Was a sino-lr tnnn that promised the laurel of Fame, so owing The culprit refused to pulls we knead 2 hev menny moar many youths led into the same terrible the parsonage shortly after the present niunnnl and ml ewcnslmli by Jreignt conductors, and consequently the arrest of some of the guilty parties. A conductor by thc name of should it not be the suhject nara slaves are now bevond anv nower ni a.ut "'ty years of age, and lived a nimoetllS tnoi-i-ill October.
Mav a kiwi Pr CUllV. SOS lllllvr A- I Illl i 1 1 1 1 M''naiJRiiiuiy Wl'l i uLiit'id iv pnnantnropl souls The great blot on our nation al escutcheon has been removed, anc ealize to these willing donors the 1 alone, the house in which he lived be- their former masters No fugitive il)g about half a miIe hacthc slave will ever again be remanded road, and about the same distance truth of the Bible promises, and mav ov the disgrases, then shall we rise slavery, African slavery in America, mauy ways; there is no disputing the lact. Her people are mostly Catho- they all be as faithful in serving their Saviour, as in caring for their Pastor. will soon be numbered amon" the uacit 10 Donaage, or returned by virtue irom any other dwelling. From the of national laws.
Mason and Dixon's susequent conduct and contradictory line has vanished and can never more sJatements German neighbor by be traced on our political maps. The Sf shync like iiartun with noboddy 2 molelcst or mayciiss a frayd of i-sing our kounty biildings, butt if we una are ooiiged to upport the thimrs of the nast: ami fn fl.io I I I blllj 1 I estaiiished church give any other name than saying that his parents were too poor to give him anv bett6r U-thoujsh well armed, with a knife and pistol, he offered no resistance to arrest, saying buantiallv to tic sher-itl "I don't care a beii o-arrested for stealing a silver watch but I have clone something whkh it would be a feather in your cap to fasten on me. I had rather go to prison lor two or three mouths than to be traveling about the country as I have lieon." Before placing hiu, injaji Vethe.bee took him to his house. Alter supper "Scratch Gravel" san-with the little children of thn Rl.rir- is well astlieii- i -XorthHold, and a brother, Charles Royee, of Favslon, and others, have been arrested, had their examination at Xorthiield and bound for trial. Sheriff Sherman on Tuesday, arrested C.
F. Cady, of Cornish," X. freight, conductor, who Is charged with' stealing goods from the cars to thc amount of $700. Cadv was brought before Justice Barton 0,1 Wednesday, and put under $1500 bomb for his re-appearance on Monday of next week. The amount tlmf bkillful John give God, and our brave noble armies of button has lust had a in mm- doant nell hmVm.
tw 7-, wuppso mat nipaisi-. xxei us not siacKen our "That drodfiill day will Miurclv rum lli0 V1 naa met with foul pa and ar restrained the actions of our liberty rested Hoogman as -the murderer. ai-OSe Sg' cut heal until another gigantic evil is sup- own; her poor law and educational -systems are unequal and burdensome; her lands are held bv non-resident proprietors and leased at extortionate rates to the peasantry, and in many WlIVS 1 1.1 then our fowntin of suitnli wiU 1 it was at- Kiag Alcohol wields his loving men, that stopped boats and uPon bein? questioned as to the cars and stages on their way South, to whereabouts of the missing man, the Undo up; starz will be blotlid fn the specrs, mimes cces it 2 open the mail bags they carried, and I venng it stated that Khder had trone to Treti eu to ute jaw uonc and adhered opt re over more subjects than any to the jugular vein. This skillful and tier monarch, and his 'power evterdl dangerous operation iu surgery wa. throughout the world.
He has a performed by Dr. Howard of West larger army than Napoleon or Grant and tlilJ neuieu n.v( (luered subjects, rather than pari paroel of the British people. 11 ii 1 11 wain, gyn tf muclassis will 2 the grateful! bewc ridge of the srnart- p- ton, and left his property in his 11,. '-abstracted" cannot, now be stated-but it is undoubtedly large. The way tliecoiidactors managed is thus When family and entered into conversation with the sheriff's wife.
Mrs poreshun of this Krisryun kommu-ity, our 1st fammvlis wun't be ob- niunieieu, ana many are euast- luur something to (liooginan's) charge until his return, talk of sweet freedom to men of sable The arresting party then proceeded skin. The power is broken that for- to examine Klider's house. Large bid schools and instruction to colored IbIo" ere found on the floor erbee endtmvored to draw his atten me cai-s were detained at stations, or Accidext. Levi Ball of Sutton had evcr" 'car- ilow we can destroy hlyged 2 sta away from meat in for mnanu Uoes not need separation trom British govcniment, but equal ri'juts in the govenmient. Let Kiv-laudgiye her equal representation, the galling burden of an imposed cuireh.
improve the land tenure, and assimilate the institutions of Ireland to those of Kiio'hiiiH .,1 his leg broken on Monday of last week lt' ll0w can make him surrender. were going "up grade" at a slow rate, the goods were quietly drooped off. "ecr ov hecriu a temprinee sermiu H-e rpi, i A. uu wmisw uis room, tne whole nre- men. Ihe hausrhtv desnntism by a log rolling upon it while he was ill0uld l)e th serious consideration of I ui.ses emiiiinc tne mnst i a may jod sayve us parties implicated, stood .1 sawing wood.
tion to spiritual matters, and to make some moral impression on him. For this purpose she offered him a Testament. "Scratch Gravel'' refused to read it, saying that he was too wicked that he had done that since he had been in Massachusetts for wlnn). c-uuv to receive them came up from the plantations, and odor; large bodies of human bones claimed to rule in Congress, and to were found in the smouldering ashes levying presurv us 1 A Ik -v tnose who love their fellow men. It is to be hoped the people are waking up on this subject, and the future is pregnant with the rainbow hues of Doxatiox.
A very pleasant gath manage the executive power of our of tne "re -P'ace- The lower jaw was a. jio Waiter R. Dean of inctory Point, has a bull which has the.bostmi liunburr kunipiiniiv iz a country, to dictate the platforms ol lsfiSured- Large pieces of civ 1- uiiiee Irishmen upon equal terms with En-glishmcu as citizens, and there will be no more Fenian or other The repeal movement of U'Connell auamed a greater weisrht th.n,. nv ering on- a very unpleasant day, occurred at the parsonage in Westficld ewm sumthin for the fizikul nln- ther God nor man would forsrivn him national political parties, and to ar- 7 Wlth of hu- xt. ma to ar- man fles fa ramra their sin too nmoj xi A.
7 iuc promise. Good Templar societies of the mammoth bullocks reported hen two years and eleven months on the 14th iust, leaving with the pas Mrs. Wetherbec assured him that there was opportunity lor the vilest nanshull good. tha keep numeruss help a ehawpin, hollin sawin lawgs. are springing up, that if persevered in iirmly, will result in much good.
The tor of the church, Rev. A. A. Smith, resides tho elienr nf tlmii. sinner to repent; but he persistently relused to read the sacred volume and repeated his dec-la rat inn tkt lm Vll uiiii ISniif ft .1 iU( me concession of Catholic emancipation, by which parliament was thrown open to the ionu proscribed sect.
Later renewed agC tations for repeal extorted from the Lritish government a commutation of and love, monev-. nna tw 13 o.u ue wcignea pounds. Last Christmas he was live years and cHit months old, and weighed 4240 pounds and is stil growing. Lmpohtant toUxmabried Men. I he lleguter announces that theieare Ul UUKS niPIK ill inni-mn xl lnllvnao- meat uuiur rccciH font on of .1 tnai goou in a lizicnll pint ov vow, thea tha pa inn oft' evry satterdv nite that iz good phinaushully.
mister Fletchur the new murclmnt iz awlso doin his share 2 help bild uj) the phynanshull intrists ovthe bur'' had committed a deed which could not be forgiven. Mr. i i minus uuu iiii uvviii! 'JTlltS Will Jimniinl. tn unciij. a portion oi tne tormer showed an in- Those lords of the lash that so recent- cision.
as if the body had been chop- ly and insolently went out declaring in pieces with an ax, preparatory that they would never more live with burning- The most of the bones, us, now come crouching back begging for a place our councils, and the die were found in the aburncd crumbs falling from the table of those probably to substantiate the story that they called mudsills, and beneath their fae had gone away on horseback, slaves. The majority of States need- The murderer must have been en-cd to secure the amendment of the in his devilish work of burning 3 ui oiAiy around inm x. 11 laii titles and the encumbered es- U.U ujuueiiee io Ins prisoner to the iail in Fit, I and at the August term of the Snne'' tutcs act. 011 the strength oi oou mat win always be retained. uy ttiuowsmtlie village of Middle-bury, a large portion of whom arc tne Fenian antat.mn TUo, n'h Counterfeiting.
On complaint of and then 'we have heard r.or Court, before Jud Allen, ho worthin ton and stiles awlso duin a hue" ia demanding in parliament pen- was convicted on tho -Moses Haines made to the grand jury proprietor who dares to do ri.rht in onuzual good bizniss the vuno- nrm ar uuseiueeism of the Irish 10 Urccnsboro, Edwin W. Reed and forbidding to furnish liquors for his tin offiis iz doin wondcrz ia its small owners 01 real estate. There is an increasing religious interest 111 the Baptist church in Windsor, of which Rev. S. K.
Dexter is pastor. Fourteen have been landlords, the abolition of Episcopal ascendency ia Ireland, the expenditure Isaiah Piper were arrested and bro't Such is the case in adioinino- weigh, fe i expekt 2 quite a reffer eeuurea. Kjon- aimculty that the citizens could be re- ueiore justice fennth ou Friday last, on county, by the keeper of o.ne of the bery, and sentenced to be confined three years, in tho State Prison, to which he was taken on the 25th day of August. From the time of the first commit-men of "Scratch Gravel," sheriff Hctlierbce entertained masliun in the mcntull doDartmnnt. siraa "aa agreca to iet the colored I strained trom wreaking summary ven and others are anxiously inouirim.
when the vuns ameriky inisepaipur man vote as a citizen in our nation's Seance on the prisoner. He is a large, me cnarge ol passing counterfeit mon-. est hotels in the vicinity. All honor ey. The evidence was strong against to such, and may many moic be en.
them, and. they were bound up for tri couraged togo and do likewise. Thre luusl uu 10 oe saved lect- gits unuer gooa Ued weigh, whot we capital. The end draweth near. wui tnirty-nve years nM uigs are tield through the week rtrUU ui me surplus revenue Ireland on her own public works, and.
more important than all, a new law of tenant-right, whielr shall give the farmers of Ireland a firmer hold upon the soil they cultivate. Some or all of these things will be conceded, after the present flurry is sufnVientlv waunt for the morrill good uv the plai 1 wpi.ivil llliXt ne was srui tv nf tlu lu was gt3 We have only to stand fast by the vou cln sean SS1 Liquor Trials rp at to the county court in the sums of "ust be sustained and suimorted in iz what we hev butt laitly lost that ffed. $250 and $200 respectively. A J. their laudable endeavors to promote principle which the good providence cation of the finer feelings ofhuman-of God has.
aided us to defend and He is now in jail iu Princeton Last week Friday Mr cargcU. His conduct while of West Concord Il'at Fitchburg, tended to confirm iz the Orlcens indipendunt Standid Jay Town Officers. Clerk, trea it were a sad da for us when went lore Justice Brooks of T.nnoni,, ftI I i concert with maintain throughout the great conflict 1 he only motive the public good. Let us thank God and take courage that there are such signs of promise, and pray and work 1 A xl trafiicing in Hhe nrVt' If. P' lsoners confined there make it appear that England "yields from her own sense of justice and aweigh itt wuz owcr chart, our kum- puslung them on to their legitimate "7" PP to have surer, and town agent, Willard Walker; selectmen, M.
S. Chambcrlin, G. law. The peoole have fn, uu nmV P.ltcd the murder of a uai- oi gain. puss, ower pillcr of ficr by nite ow- not lrom intimidation.
For John Un uumm; i ii i i had iust susnieinn tw 4 oi me jail. On beincr iguus results, must but kindly hold the ix)wcr which cr klowd by day butt its cawn I 1 1 II I II w. Crandall, S. B. Wakeman; over is a bull-dog forever, and will do 110th- muvv, iituiiiuu OV mat tney may dc multiplied.
Never until this monster evil is suppressed or done away with in its present alarm seer of poor, David Johnson first ug on compulsion. the war has given us, using it righteous- AN0THER attempt to Rob the Bank. ncn, proportion or thr n.nnr... 1 constable, S. B.
Wakeman: listers. whats ower loss iz yure gane. purhaps howevur itt iz awl fur the best, for bi the presunt arrayngemunt Anomcr verv Door attemnt. tn i-i, Pr attemPt luuuAicatiug arinks wilh i lord- I'avebccn dealt out to those who i to carry out were thirsty. The public would Sm' 'ratdl el" said he that the owner of the 'bio.
hoao' knew 1 if necessary to about it. Accordingly n5 0t JaiI- "Do you think," lected in this country for the ly towards the guilty leaders in rebel- II ve.7 iKm and towards the defiant, with WM Christian J- -i i uurl night. The burglars made on P. Hadlock, Joshua Chainbcriin In ra.te can we fr the reign of D. Chambcrlin town superintendent ri8'hteousn'css for thc dan of an era ea- ance 01 Ireland will reach the Fenians at home will probably never be ury oouay Km dc suted them co*kes nj uiose any guinea admission to the counting me uuuimng circulated by some cutcrpris a.
D. Chamberlin. cuaracienaea oy purity, justice and a man inn i. i who were led, and are now repentant rom, by prying orxsn the nntuMA Hmf ijii inn it's I tr I i 1 i as doant like thc substandshall hi toand littcratoor ov the Standid kin happiness. A I nA i ana was endorsed by nearly a hm, U0XUury job would members of the -foS to get his liberty?" forw.nr.wi c.i..i.- and otraiffhtcniiiir i.
Unpleasant Evidence TUo w-nr Let everv one ask themspiv0 tr euuuussive, wnn liDeral and fra- wwu nencea operations on ternal love towards those so long held Se door the vault, by trying to in Wow it open with DOWller hnt iU York World complains that the Re- can I help to promote thc cauo of Jfn r4- ni oiuic 8 AUOmev Staw ue eonuil- vuoun. now much the Fenian leaders mean by their talk of invading Canada mutt; very soon be evident. Ihe natural presumption is that thev are not in earnest, otherwise they would not make their schemes so public, and thus nut tho akkommydatid in the cxsillint reg-gylar issoo ov tha Child's paypur thet is daytid hear printid at'nnpoart, 1 no gentlemen, not to be outdone Si ofmyvork. 1 tanod.crition wiUncaTffi That knife (alluding to names. yn examining the UP? when 1.
"'tulOBW estcai WOl SooTtennw.r dW DOt eVen outside door wm soon be known no more except in open and only succeeded in so farTn- mswrJ' juring the lock that it could not be reporting at length. whil tl.V "a' lue reiSn OI lotal abstinence from 1T, "the two davs tocUm all that has sent twnd. -d Yankees ittURiio iwenty number; in Milliliter The work of war is done. Now is opeiied the e7- Had they suc- 1 -uuiuiio Oil their guard. they goMuto Canada, it will be only as raiders and plunder- wnitch is skatterd awl ovur town, 2 the gr8 delite and goi ov the smawl childurn thet iz broat up onto ower lecsc land it iz a paypur whitch we Snmn 1.
i testified point blank that they id -n lcmc to procured of Mr. Drew -scoo. L' 1 5lIhr' to 8o to Stale Prison for ill i Robert E. Lee, worthy of all accep- can 1 uave in restraining my fellow tation, in ten men from indulgence in that which iu lorcing open this door they still have had another and not im any idea of stoppim rome kind of drink perhaps intoxica- lll.Z 1 of or getting permanent 111 US nun I P.r, in k. iu its nun irio xv(i rt i 7 uuu, reintc i i.rnv- at any ooint.
TR 11 inn; in iiitw i- ii-i i i 'i i "j-v-i, oeems to none of this trash ULU UI LUllon isten rr the an- avc had ve.T fair means of ost re A part of the "trash" thus iWntori swcr and ct Gird on the word, for ft. u. toto TMlt, mi 7Z many and zealous, now have the op- qr would have had to make still portanity to prove that their words efforts to break into the large were sincere and of heart value "J0" 80 their chances fori au never seen nor known nf o. V1 luc which he hev kneaded a long spec! it "supplizc a waunt thet hez long ben felt" hear, it 'teeches the 3 ung idee how to i no it iz sow for my little extrakt of Lon Sargint will leeve hiz rattil -Ijox liquor being kept on the M.m;l committed is the evid-nce of Major-General Geo armor of Riht and Justice, go H. Thomas, and of ilr.
Patterson, forth to do battle for the canse that ui tf coif He stated that lie stabbed wu wiat iie staUbcU at West Some of aiarm tlie Canadians and so make trouble and expense to the JJrit ish government, and at the same time to keep alive the excitement here until the last dollar that can be had is drawn Fenian treasury. So far as fceuator elect from Tennessee, and needs assistance. Strength 6nn.in.lnnr n.T is given enny minnit to feest his izc onto the eiaameer-appcared, 1 1 if tr toe witnesses summoned 'l I but fell back on liad refused to testify. Su: her out of the the witnesse, -s k'n. i i i i a.
xpress, butt it is knotsutch a paypur Word, are cheap and easy to bestow. a Th sca dentand, money fan and labor, and personal sacrifice, and wr. They shut the blinds to the gmome sympathy, and heart moving bffk nd the night was a very favor-liSauitJiropy, to take by the hand, en- TX operations, being cteznxt, cd to. jfgBd -fno dodging; Mr. I)rcw was fined Z7' i Jd to az groan up foax can git mutch enli-tenmunt from.
butt awl such kan -nt rather strong evidence as to the late Abou-Ben-Adem, such as love companions of that "General Robert tlieir fellow-mcn and work for them, E.Lee," who is declared "woithv of all shall be first in the list of.ti,n ana tne costs of tri.il. unrcservediy, ou several u.e remans are doing has a tendency to compel concessions to the people of Ireland, success to til 'movement is a -swindle for the benefit of a few femW 1VI K.HMj 1 II IMlLIIAll ume one teU why it is that liquor 8 a' .1 iUV acceptation "and both are nwnrd. Lord has blest. the gi 8 big paypur at Bartun hev the Staudurd littyratoor ov the da, on in a 7- VC feo very giv- edtlmV c- He stat-insr tstin-innn- i fciv fet tnat siiir-o i i ingly thrown over. Bottom Advertiser.
wiiu hi ouipr maoo mumci.iio nan na- The Press, the Pulpit, and the Pen, whitch 2 fead their matoor intcllcx. Prompt and ready to unr 7 'P and slept davtimes in or V-iolc truth. 3 1U U1 er to escape Th nf PSr.nr.nfi..1..- "om luejaa was toiled by one.