This is an anxious time for all of us, but we are working very hard to maintain a service for you, our patients, despite the restrictions.
If you need to ring us, your call may go directly to an answerphone. Please DO LEAVE A MESSAGE. Please speak clearly leaving your name, date of birth, telephone number and brief details of the reason for your call. SOMEONE WILL CALL YOU BACK.
If you have a problem with your ears you need to see one of the specialist nurses.
If you have a problem with your hearing/aid(s) you need to see an Audiologist.
In either case, please ring 423207 or 423145 for an appointment
All the details, together with maps of where we hold our clinics can be found by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button. Please note that phone calls will be answered between 9.00 am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday
If you contact us via Email, please be aware that the information you send will be through a non-secure service and this may affect the confidentiality of the content. We advise that you state only your name and date of birth in order to protect your personal data.
PLEASE do not attend RCHC without an appointment
You will be given full instructions about how to access your appointment when you speak to one of the staff
Please remember to wear a mask when entering the building
Batteries & Tubing
We cannot supply batteries and tubing at Rotherham Community Health Centre (RCHC) so,
PLEASE do not attend RCHC to collect these items.
If you require either or both of these items please click on the order form.
Batteries and Hearing Aid Tubing Order Form
We will post batteries and tubing to you.Please allow 10-14 days for delivery.
We have produced several videos on how to change tubing and batteries etc. If you do not have access to a computer the staff are able to talk you through how to maintain your aids. We already have many satisfied 'customers' who have learned how to look after their aids in this way!
We are all learning new ways of doing things.
How about learning how to re-tube your hearing aid? Have a look at an excellent video, made by one of your Audiologists. Please click below
How to re-tube your hearing aid
Click below on the links to some other useful videos which our Audiologists have made
How to insert your slim tube hearing aid
How to change the battery in your hearing aid
There is a lot of useful information on maintaining your hearing aids on the c2hear website. Please click on the link.
Hearing aid Repairs
Please note that there are no drop-in repair sessions.
Hearing aid repairs - such things as mould adjustments, minor damage or replacement tubing - are now by appointment only.
However, if you would like to learn how to look after your hearing aids or carry out simple procedures, please click on the links above
If you are struggling with tinnitus there is lots of excellent help on the British Tinnitus Association website.Please click on the link.
A few of the comments about our service received recently:
The ear care centre is amazing.Rotherham should be proud to have a very welcoming, kind and politereceptionist. Rotherham should also be proud to have a centre of excellence runby highly trained nurses. Great staff.
Friendly and helpful staff,very happy with the location glad it is still at the old walk in centre
The Audiologist and staff memberissuing the hearing aids were both extremely knowledgeable, courteous andpatient and made the experience easier than anticipated. Their friendlyapproach put me at ease and this makes a big difference
First class service
The service wasquick, attentive, efficient and friendly
Given a full ear test, explained verywell to me with good advise and follow up treatment to improve my hearing
Consistently excellent - Today was thesame experience that I have come to expect from my attendances at Primary EarCare Service. Professional, friendly and very good care from all in the team
I feel very honoured to have been seen by such lovely kind and generous people
I would not go anywhere else
I really would not know what to do if your service didn't exist
Very impressed with the service
Excellent and reliable as always !
Patient Groups
There are currently 2 patient groups which are run with our support. The Patients’ steering group allows you to find out more about our service, make comments and discuss issues which you feel strongly about. The Tinnitus self-help group allows patients with Tinnitus to support one another and to have the opportunity to find out more about their condition. If you would like to be part of either group, please contact us.