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- Publication:
- The Western Suni
- Location:
- Vincennes, Indiana
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- 5
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COMMERCIAL RIDAY EVENING: JOB PRINTING IS OTEN THE RESULT I Bronchio! Troclien HAVING A DIRECT INLUENCE TO THE TAHTS nd having the LARGEST Circulation mrRoadinB Matter on Every Page NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS 'TELEGRAPHIC CICARS TOBACCO Dr Juan Blooming Cereuel? Night Blooming 1 Night Blooming Phnion's The advertiser having heeW restored to health Gwmto Ukinarv SvsTeae to use these ills With hitrh rpunprL wp art vnnre mntt EinrAHih' I 9 or To the Merchants dji'd Shipper ttf Wabash BOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES! DR HANco*ck Death of Benj Briggs Thib Venerable Coal Mines for Sale! myM he feels extremely grateful and desires to express his thanks to one and all Books Pamphlets Cards Circulars i co of excellent quality and from six to eight inches in thickneSS is now being gathered by those of our citizens whose it is to administer tiomfqrts during the summer season 3f all 'descriptions Meershiums Briar Itflot and Apple Tree also China Gum and numerous oth er kinds Also all kinds of will be very impressive which there wilLbe a procession of the Sodality Societies from the cliurch to the Rt residence and back again 'There will be a sermon in English in the forenoon and probably another in the after noon "There will be a 'collection taken up for the benefit of the church'1 When we say that the alterations and additions to the ed ifice will cost between $10000 and $12000 a good and sufficient reason will be found foithe call upon the benev'olent for liberal contributions upon this occasion We are sure that all will attend with a determina tion to give whatever they may feel able in so noble a cause and for so righteous a pur pose We intend hereafter to give a full des cription of the beautiful church It is a high credit to our city lof the Ohio Legislature was for many years mayor and afterwards postmaster of Newark and filled many other positions of honor and trusty 'He was a gintieman of fine culture and attainments and unblemished char acter 5 S6Two of our ameteur sportsmen came in from a two days hunt this week with three fine two large bucks and a doe The deer were killed eight miles south of town SPECIAL NOTICES Sedentary and Studious Occupations Gnefs Annette' or whatever tends to impair the Vital Action of the Bravi Heart or Nervous System frequently lead to the moat Dustiessing and Embarrassing Disorders of the ViatLK Students Clergymen and Lawye 8 therefore wbj are especially liable to these Weaknesses should re sort promptly to Dr DeL im irhk'8 Specific Pills A Pamphlet containing full particulars with Dlrec tiorts and Advice printed in rench German Spanish' rtnd English accompanies each box and will be sent by mail free of cost to any who write forit Prior $1 per Bex or Six Boxes for S3 old by all the principal Druggists or will be sent by mail securely sealed from all observation? on roceipt of the specified price by any authorized agent or by the solo General Agents for America OSCAR MOSES CO 27 Cortlandt street Naw York Authorised Agents for Vincennes and vicinity UUCK UARIMNG All or ders by mail promptly attended to no2 spbpnrm BXAXN STREET BETWEEN SECOND THIRD pebbly VINCENNES IND up one for the 22d of ebruary 1 Our young friend Tom Collins of the Evansville Courier honored rthe ball with his presence and here are his'impresaions Marriioe fssued by Ileriry Cauthorn Circuit Clerk for the week end ing the 3d inst Adam lorik to MHs Ellz i Jane Clark Short to A Sowers Commodore Aii(rim to Miss anny Truett John Black to Miss Martha D'llens William Lewis to Mist Laura Bnrtch David Russe'l to Miss Mary McDonald John Chambers to Miss Mary Wallace Willis Polk to Mrs Endemlel Burtch William Reed to M'ss Mary Simpson Henley Philips to Miss Elvira Doty To Rent! A new two story frame Dwel ling House in a pleasant the city Apply to Gimbel Bro tf JAMES celebrated1 female pills Prepared froma Prescription of Sir Clarke M'll i Bills Lading Blanks Bill Heads COJGHS AND rpHE UNDERSIGNED WILL sEh ONE 1 and upwards of the Coat Mines now in o)eration at Curryfville Sullivan county Ina 40 acres of land with the Shafts in complete work ing order with a four foot scam of thfe best quali ity of Coal and all apiertaining thereto consist ing of lour Town Lots two Dwelling Houses three Horses ftp Apply at the Shaft in person in Currysville or by letter to EDWARD SMITH Strellbnrne bulii van comity Ind dc7 bplm The University The schools re jopened on Wednesday Rev Mr Dake who was recently elected Principal hal arrived and assumed the duties of his office He comes Among us with the highest recommendations as to his qualifications and experience in educational matters and we trust will be cordially welcomed by all of our citizens and every assistance encouragement and support given in maintaining the already en Viable reputation of dur University schools I patrbns of the Sun responded In very liberaljspirit to the demands ofpur carrier bbyJNcw day for which he feels extremely grateful and desires us Are prepared ly the Messieurs Garancibrx Dupomt Pharmaceutists No 214 Hue Lombard Paris from th Prescription of Dr Juan DkLamaRrk Chief Physician to the Hospital du Nord on Lariboisere Letter of Recommsndtioni Paris May 5th 1866 Gkntlrnicn: We have used Pili made from Dr DkL iM arrk's Prcckiftion during several jears past in our private and puldie practice and have found a most energetic and efUaeat Remedy itvw cases of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness Jwgbtly Daily or Emissions Sexual Weakness jory Special Derangements of pre Nervous Sys teip Weakness arising flrum Secret Habits and Sexual Excesses Udojeutinn of theGenifa! gans eak Spine jlAtfeeiLions of the Eyes or Brick De P'jsitiui Jh tl Urine Hiischarges Paleness of Ue Skin witli Sunken Cheeks and Bloodless Lips I eatures Irregular Acti ot 'the Jfeart and in an me gnasuy train ot symptoms arising irom uver use Abuses or Loss from any cause of the ervous orce We earnestly advise the Profession and all person in fieri ng from any Symptomatic or Affections ot i high respect we are yours most sincerely A Dujardin Juan JA Happy New Year I To all of our friends and customers That is we wish them the best success inlife at the beginning of a new year The old yeir is past and we commence a new epoch of life asking ourselves how to make the most money Buying eheap and profita bly is making money If you want to invest your inonej well and make the most out of it call at: Nathan Gimbel They keep the largest stock of brandies wines cigars oysters brandy peaches whiskies gin tobacco lobsters pickles and great many other articles too numerous to mention us ndJ i Kcp orrj the finest qualities of the aforesaid iirticles and that their object is satisfy their cus Ttomers by selling cheap? Every one ought i to convince himself if we are rightby call ing at their place of more especi ally retail merchants tTugh not to lose the opportunity of investing their money so well llbt Market No new feature hfla beH presented since outcast report Several large lots have come in week There are but few in pens We continue to quote at $6 26 to $6 50 for dead and $6 75 for live hogs At Cincinnati yesterday (Thursday) even ing prices closed at $6 20 to $6 50 gross and $7 25 to $7 50 nett market dull and pack ers hot anxious to buy the outside figures being the most offered at which thej: ob tained good averages Receipts 9273 head At Chicago on Thursday prices ranged from $6 12J to $6 30 for live and $6 75 to $7 dressed' Market dull Receipts 6000 dressed 8000 live DRURY WM RICH ESON dhury sl Rxosasoir ORWAHDING ABD CDMMESSIOB And Wharf lloat Proprietor lMOA'Tb'WX RY were the order in the last session of Congtess blit nothing was so ef fectually vetoed as Indigestion Dyspepsia and all kindred evils by Dyspepsia Cure Nqitwo thirdS Vote cari ever sustain these troubles when the cure is ealled to the rescue Dyspepsia Heartburn and Ac idity of the Stoiriach canhot eiist Where Coe'S Dyspepsia is taken The oppositlod to the re election of Judge Trumbull to the tlnited States Sena torship from Illinois is erideavoring to hitve the secret ballot system adopted in caucus hoping thus to secure enough votes of those pledged to support the Judge to insure i its defeat ANTONB STAS SuccMVr to rank Hording 4 Co) THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY PROTECTED BY ROYZl' LITTERS PATENT onilerfalirgre3 Medk 18clrn during the ppat hlxyeart oulymxkca Itpoari ble lor the cvnKientious Physician to declare now that Confvmftion In as icrtainlV rnxiD as Intermittent ew and a srtaint it RKVKNTenas Small ax" Ut Charles King Al LL etc I I PREPARED PlUlSCRiPflON i MaM rHOM THI rUKSCRLPTIOX OP HevChrlei King LLI OR THK RrVkNTIOW ANrt cunr Thk New off very pleasantly We nevers sawa happier or more select crowd assembled The ladies looked bewitching The managers used every exertion to render the affair attractive and unexceptionable and they succeeded perfectly We were glad to see so general a turn out of? our Very best citizens Themo ney realized above expenses amounting to Night Hloming I Blooming i Washington Dec 31 Col Carrington who was in command of the post of ort Kearney at the time of the recent massacre a hundred soldiers' has been relieved and will be pro bably ordered under arrest for trial on the charge of carelessness in theperformaoce of his duties 1 1 seems thattJ4e detachment were cut off from all chances of retreat to the fort and overpowered it is claimed that Col Carrington could have prevented this Washington January 1 Advices from Harrisburg leave little doubt that Thad Stevens will be elected United States Senator Mr Ashley Chairnian'of the House Com mittee on Territories has prepared a bill to be reported to Congress having in view the reorganization of the Southern States' not of a territorial nature but recog nizing tne present arrangements until a convention can be etled to remodel the" respective State governments The rench minister has received official information from rance that the Emperor has ordered ten large transports to leave Brest Um Mexico for the purpose of bringing home the rench troops Ten more will soon follow Washington Jan 2 There is good authority for saying that a resolution diectirig the impeachment of President Johnson will be offered in House on Monday next by Ashley of Ohio The vote fdvdring the impeachment has canvassed and its friends say they have no doubt of its passage The President was to day notified of thtY fact and replied that he was entirely pre pared to meet the issue WashingtCn Jan 2 Exceptions are taken to the decisions of the Chief Justice in the habeas corpus case of Dr Mudd on the ground that the Sdpreme Court's decision of Milligan's case was applicable to the prisoners of the Dry Tortugas The decision to be final Brilliant Wedding One of the largest and most brilliant par ties of the at tW man aion of our fellow citizen Win BurtchEsq New evening on the occasion of the marriage of Laura youngest daughter of the host and Mr Wn Lewis formerly of this city but now engaged in merchandising in Nebraska The attendantsof Mr wee Wm Crut of Terre Haute and Docker The attendants were Mice RAnkeney of Xenia and Miss Burtch The nuptial services were per formed by I Rev AVlH Carter of the Episcopal church and were witnessed by the audience with much interest Yqung bachelors and fair maidens were present in abundance in whose hearts we may imagine there was the slightest tingeof envy at the domestic felicity they wit nCssed athers of families with their mat ronly life partners were also conspicuous in the crowd and contributed to the interest and joyousness of the event After the services the repaired to the supper rooms where every luxury end delicacy was spread in the greatest pro I I fusion and abundance It was universally conceded that mors beautifully airanged tables a more lavish display of creature co was never before enjoyed The happy couple left on the 9:40 train a bridal tour We felicitate William' and Laura upon the consummation of their dearest life hopes and wish them unending peace andrjoy The Meeting of Directors Let all interested remember that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Vin cennes Bridge Company will bb held at the office Monday evening next It is hoped that all the stockholders will be pre sent Matters of great importance to the companj will be presented for their consid eration and steps will then be taken to in sure the completion of the bridge during the cb tiling season xer or cheap Goods go to Wm I de21 swlw3 and White Ri re a wnoiesaie trmn any other House in the city To WE HAVE 5LXDE A CO54IRACT con vinceil Of ttte fact call and se foir yourselves GIVE IMMEDIATE RELIE or Bronehitis Asthma Catarrh Con tamptlve and Throat Dlieaa TiopiIKS ABE USED WITH ALWAYS GOOD SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS Will find Troches useful in clearing the voice when taken beforeSingirig or Speaking and relieving the throat after unusual exertion of tfie vocal organS The o'ches are recommended ftiiB pre scribed by and have had testimonial from eminent men the country Be ing an inrticle of true merit nnd luivirig proved tlieirertcacy by a test of many years each finds theth innew localities in various parts of the vrorld and the Troches are universally pronounced better than other articles (InrAiN only Bronchi al And do not take any of the Worthless Imitations that may be offered Sold everywhere wV' 0m A Broken Down Sijitem There is a disease to which tire" doctors give many namesbut wllich few of them understand It is simply weakness a breaking down of the vital forces Whatever its causes (and they are ui numerable) its symptoms are in the nualu nlie same Among the most prominent are extreme lassitude loss of appetite loss of flesh and great mental depression Indigestion tilid ti St'lmach Cough are also frequently concomitants of this dis tressing state of body atd of mind The common remark in relation to persons in such a condition is that they are consumptive Now what these unfortunates really want is vigor vital strength and as certainly as dawn succeeds darkness they can recuperate their and regain perfect health by resorting to HIOSTE Tl'ER'S CELE BRATED STOMACH It is as clear that life reviving Tonic is required in such cases as that the dying flames of an empty lamp requires to be revived with a new supply of oil Perfectly pure and innocuous containing nothing but the most genial extracts anil combining the three grand elements ot a stomachic an alterative and genial invigorint HOS BIT TERSare suitable to all constitutions and are as applicable to the diseases and disabilities of the feebler sex as to those of men nov27 (ibpl in Mrs: Burdell Cunninghtitn who was reported auiong those lost on the Evening rftar is at present residing in San rancisco where she seven years ago married a gen tleman named Hayes' DeI and Gotten up in the very be'st style and ap proved forms can be had nr quantities to suit by application The highest cash 'price paid for old Iron by Clark Buck at their foundry on Water street dcl llmbp Sutigeon Dentist VINCENNES IND Office on Third street one door South of thepriM ofiice upstairs Bfa Kesidence on Buntin street bet ween Ninth and 1'enth Hovl6 bply Briggs editor of the Sullivan died at Newark Ohio on the 18th ult aged sixty eight years JEe was a practical printer andlin 1820 established tile On New eve we mttde a brief visit newspaper established io Vincennes and while there at the soli in Newark'1 which he published for over citation of a friend attended the grand ball thirty six years He served in bothbratiehes given for the benefit of the ornuna Uni 4 walking in we found the large hall crowded with fair women and gallant men The ball was "one of the most pleasant we ever witnessed The year found the happy party in tte midst of enjoy me nt Th saloon hSi itM gons succumbed to the pressure Liabilities several hundred dollars distribu ted amon fidnaber of Our business men Sisetaj nichi A NEAT PEBl ME OR THE HANDKERCHIE (IN ITS MOST ADVANCED STAGES) or the Radical Cure ASTHMA lBQNCniTI3 CA TARRH and frfr of the LUNGA tILROAT and AIK PaSaGES fur General and menttfed the NERVOUS SYSTEM for LHurdcr Of the BLOOD: and for all Punctual lisjidcr8 the Stomach and Botccls it immediately increases the strength and'deepcnvthe oolor of the pale bloodk Ji subdues thttChillS und Eever and diminishes the Expectoration It checks Night Sweats always in from seven to fourteen Tha ap petite Is at once invigorated and the patient rapidly gavps the cough and difficult lire ithiug are speed ijy Ijeved Che sleep becomes Calm and refreshing atlons Tegnbr and uniform ALL THE GENERAL SYMPTOMS OK CONSUMPTtON ASTHMA CIHTIS A WITH A REALLT AH ToNisuiNG rapidity The PRESCRIPTION be used In eveiy case where the Physician prescribes Iron Acidh Bark Quinxmr Cod Livkr Oil Whisky and in every Disease by wraTKVKH known in which there is exhibited any one or more of the following symptoms Difficult or Irregular Breathing Loss of Breath Cough Wasting of sh Night Sweats Bleeding from the Lungs Loss of Strength Loss of A ppefjte General Debility De bility of Pregnancyand Nursing lying Pains through the Shoulders Chest ace or Limbs Neuralgia Nervoua Headache Nervous Prostration Neryoua IrnLiticu Gid diness or DiztineSs Excessive Paleness Zore TKroat Drowsiness Sleepiness Dyspepsia Sour Stomach Burn Pppression or Sinking of the Stomach before of after eating Constipation Remittent ever (kc Bspkcially in all Disorders or Uterine Irregular itfes such as DifficHlt Painful Suppressed 8cantytJS' cessive Delayed Premature or too requent Menstruation Statements from Patients fcc Prescription saved my daughter's life and has saved me hundreds of Rev Humphreys Remsen bless God for the lienefit we have received from yMir Prepared Rev Peregrine Bloss burg Penn Every one to whom have recommerded it has bene fitted ranch by its Rev Jones Krcidq WIs Birle House Astor Place In the early part nf ebruary 1051 was suffering from a violent cough fur which 1 have been treated durfiKgaiK months previQUK ly without benefit I had ight SwiCats prostrated me In the evening hoarseness would come on which would prevent me speak Ing a whisper I had then had two attacks bluJng frdm the lungs My family physician assured me that hecould do no more fur me I wa growing rapidly worse and had leen compelled to leave business for nearly two months AU my symptoms indicated unmistakably the presence of CONSUMPTION 1 the beginning of ebruary Mr Ilerfry' isher Treasurer of the Aiuencan Bible Society presented with a Dottie of the PREPARED PRK riCRIPl JON In a few days niy appetite (which I had entirely rt returned witbin a week my cough had al most left me anil in les than two weeks the Mght Sweatswere broken up hepcvforward I regained Ktrength rap idlypahd am mw revulxrly attndvng to my dutieaaa clerk 1 to ti AM ERIC ANB1 BLE ln whofie em ployment have beeA nine years I now enjoying good health Your PHECIU PTION effected a CURE when my friends despaired of my recover THOS CONGER have had Nervous or Spasmodic Asthma for ekv en years The night before I obtained the PaRED PREP A wps the worst I ever passet On oU lining the Remedy 1 took a teasjWnflil at noon and again at night and slept all night without waking I have not Jiad a broken rest since I have completely recovered my strength and spirits and am not all afflicted wltli of I shall be ghld to hve anyone afflicted with Asthmacajl and see me EZRA LANGDON No 33 1 ourth The is put up in a 31 bottle Rrid by Druggists generally or orders I tv 'to the Sole Proprietors OSCAR MoSES dk CO 4 Y7 jCou sultation free A Circular containing particulmu or many casks successfully treatet will sent frqe by mail to all who may write for it in Vincennes by LUCK HARDING and by all dealers in lledicines nov spbpnrm STRENGTH HEALTH' STRE NOTH HEALTH STRENGTH Physician Extraordinary to the Queen Thi! in valuable medicine ii upfailing in tbecureof al those painful and dangerous disepfesto which the female constitution is subject moderates all excesses andre moves all obstructions froii wh'itevcr cause A speedjr cure may be relied on 3o' TO MARRIED JADIBS It is peculiarly suited ItwiHs(n a short time bring on the monthly period with regularity' These Pills should not be da ken by females duinng the REEMOKTIIR if Pregnancy as they are sureto bfirtgon Miscarriage but at any other time they are safei Inallcasesof Nervous and Spinal Affections Painsin the Back and Limbs ptlgueon lligMexertion Pal pita tion oftlie Heart Hysterics and Whites ILmui Pillswill enecta ciii when all other means have failed and al though remedy tp not contain iron calomel antimony or anything hurt fplto the const! tr Ion ull directions is thepajophlptardundeachpackag which should be carefullypreserved i Sold All' Dxouoists Owe Doll a BotYlk SPECIAL NOTICE Il is the fate of every valuable Medicine to fceCovwren rriTeo Be cautious the More and see that the letters arc blown in the brittle and that each wroppet bears the rec SIMILES qf she signatures of I BALD 1 CO and JOB MOSES Without uhich none are genuine Ona Dollar trith Eighteen Cents for Postage en closed to any authorised Agent or to thelsole Genera Agent for the United States a pit British Dominions JOB MP3E327 Cortlandt st New York will1hMirej bl41e Pills bv return mail securely sealsd from all observation It Sold in Vincennes by LUCK Aj HARDINt LANDKK MOORE MERRYMAN and Jt JARDELLJA nciri i nL 1 rom all oar exchanges we learn that the 4 1867 present winter is proving a trying one upon tne poor everywhere With almost every article which constitutes the necessaries of life at high rates by this class especially the most rigid economy will be necessary but not only this the laboring man must from necessity demand his wages as soon as earned and it should bethel duty of those more favorably situated to cheerfully ac quiesce They should not only be willing to pay the wages but afford all the employ ment possible To seek to economise at the expense of the pool? inan is morally wrong at any time but especially so now Too many persons manifest an avaricious spirit in this respect They want all labor performed atr the least possible expense no matter what the cost may be for a batrel of flour or huhored weight or pork If theywant a cord of wood or a of hogs butchered and a fair price is deiiiABfl ed they to cry extortion This is certainly coming far short of the golden rule to unto others as ye would have others do unto or the present then let the motto of the humane at least befair price and prompt payment St German Catholic Charch As we have before stated this edifice will be formally opetiedlfor services on next Sun The holidays have gone and passed December wrapped in nii shroud of snow and ice bore the Old Year out of sight And now the lusty successor steps over the threshold and mirth and rejoicing attended his advent do hot ignore the past for all its experiences have dunk into our beins ahd shaped our lives and every heart holds hidden chambers stored with consecrated treasures preserved in the sweet lavender of time and memory ahd over whose portals is 'written But to day shall be marked with and We enter new paths with fullest faith in the futurftstretching away before us poor Old i ear is dead In his winding sheet of snow adeeg nnd narrow bed Wherein he sleepeth Spare him a sigh and bend the head In reverence ere you go The glad New Year is born And cradled in ermine rare Music and feasting and wine LAnd happy friends are there A tear for trip monarch Dead discrowned smile IDrithe new born heir! iiwoRH irs WCOtCIGIR STOBEI MAIN STREET Two doors Sotltl Side SIGN BOB Keeps constantly on hand large stock of all kinds of Of their owirmanufacture Also all kinds of PLUG TOBACCO! Of their own manufacture We ulso heep different brands of No i TINE CUT TOBACCO iheir Magnolia excels all ine Cut ever brought to this market Also a large stock of different brands of KILLICKINICKS and Cut and Dry To baccpS An Effectual Worni Medicine! Vermifuge Comfit s(' Or Worm Lozkngk4 Much slcknes undoubtedly witK childrenand adults attribute! td other causes is occa sioned by worms The iff although effectual in destroying wpxiqs can do no possible in jury tothe most delicate child This valuable Combina tion has been successfully usel by physicians and found to be safe arid silre in eradicating worms so hurtful to children Children having Wotms requlr immediate attention as neglect of tliii (rouble often causes pro longed sickness Symptoms of Worms ttf Children afepften overlooked Worms in the stomach and bowels cause irri tation which can be removed 6nly by the use of a sure remedy The combin ttion Qf ingredients used in making Rrnwnd Vet mifitae CoiHfiti" is such as to give the best possible effect wth safety CURTIS BROWN Proprietors Nev York Sold by 11 dealers in Medici nes at 2 a box my25 sphply VT with the MISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRANS PORTATION COMPANY 0( St Mof for the purpose of transporting a KindSrOf reight fromthe Ohio Wabash and White Rivers to the New Orleans market and wfff orfet voti vreat in vun ire weexnect tnrarrr rreigjit lor less money tnan any other line anil without re handling which is a great advantage as the reight will be carried through to New Or leans without any change a great saving in broken packages Ac Thb Mississippi Valley TranSpobtationCompany carry all their reight upon large cov ered Model Barges towed by powerful Tow Boat Steamers to New Orleans These Barges are built as strong as steamboats are very light draught drawing only twelve inches ivater light ahd lie Insurance the same upon them ns upon the tey best of steamboats All treight can be insured undeftStr open Cargo Policy of Insnranccas soon us put on board the Barge Each Barge has its custom house papers same as steamboats Their carrying capacity is 600 tons to the Barge They will carry 12000 bags ol Corn or6000 barrels of lour and we consider this? the best mode of transporting freight from the Wabash and White rivers The Barges will be towed by small Tow Boat steamers to Cairo III and there connect with the line of large Tow Boat steamers runnirig from St Louis to New Or leans 1 Tlie shippers on these rivers have never had such an opportunity offered them for transporting their freight lieidM! and we are determined to make it to the advahqtge of every shipped to ship by this Link" Orte tfr us will be on the river in person all through the shipping season or have Agents to make engagements for freight at each shipping point at the Very lowtst rates All Information wanted on the subject can be had by addressing us st TJniofitownJiy Youfs respectfully 1 DRURY A TtlCHESON Agents or the Mississippi Valley Transportation Com pany novl6 sw3tn Thk Ice or eight or ten days past navigation in our river jhas been suspended on account of the immense ice floating and communication with our Illinois friends and neighbors again completely cut off thus depriving our merchants of the benefit of a heavy trade to ship 4 ri fnr Ipn mnn which they would otherwise have if thq much needed bridge were the absence of which is a humiliation a slur and a sad reflection upon the spirit of enter: prise and foreeight of some of out narrow minded capitalists and business men wlio persistently refuse their aid tn the nntemriaa VVe can console ourselves with the reflection (however tattbe bridge will be builtin spite of their parsimonious donduct and the some $70 has been handed over to'the RCLwork will be commehcefxearly nelt season Rev Bishop for the benefit of the orphans! 1 ki We understand that the gentlemen who I Death of Bexj 1ThiS Venerable Were at the head of this ball design getting gentleman (father of our friend Murray Snuff Boxes Match Boxes and fliie assortment af Gitm ouches for ine Crft Tobacco and a fine assortment of ouches for Smoking Tobacco toselleverything in my lipe cheaper Yr tiia rkthov hmieu in ha nil ap27n6 OEO ENPRICH VINCENNES SUN OICE 1 January 4 1867 Per pound 25 to 30c market wellsupplied 7 Per pound 27 er bushel 75c to tl OC COEE Java per pound 40 to 45c Rio 26 to 30c Laguayra 28 to 31c CHICKENS Spring per dozen 92 50 CORN New corn 40 to 50c per bushel CHEESE Western Reserve 18c Sterine per pound 15 to 17c Star 24 to 2c Tallow 18 to 20c EGt Per dozen 23 to the market thinly supplied LOUR Superfine per barrel $9 to $10 Extra amily $14 Buckwheat lour 7 to 8c per pound EATHERS Geese 60 to 65c per pound RUIT Apples green per bushel 80c to 50 Dried 91 50 to 91 75 Peaches dried 93 50 to 91 GAME Deer whole 10c to 00 Turkies 40 to 60c Prairie Chickens 82 5p to 3 00 per dozen Quails 91 00 per dozen Squirrels 91 00 to 91 23 per dozen Rabbits 91 per dozen" GRAIN Wheat 92 to 92 50 Corn new per bushel 30 toAlc Oats 30 to 33c Rye 75c to 80c 70 Barley 81 20 to 81 25 Net 86 50 to 96 according to grade Dressed 6 to 6 50 Per ton 911 to Green 7 to 8c Dried 12to 1 to MACKEREL No 1 and 2 per barrel 816 to 25 No 1 to 3 82 75 tp 83 00 MOLASSES New Orleans 81 00 to 81 25 Sor ghinn'35 to 40c Coal Oil 67c per gal ly the barrel Lard do 91 75 to 81 83 POTATOES Per bushel 35 to 50c iltcfi Per pound to 12c per barrel 93 50 to 93 75 Pei bushel 80e to 81 0 New Orleans 13 tn 16c Porto Rico3 toHc( Muscovado 13 to lie White la Ji to 17c: Hard' 17i to 18c German perpouhd 10 to 12Jfc Rosin Oto 10c: Impeyjul per pound 91 40 to 81 75 Toqpg llyson 80c to 81 75 Gunpowder 81 2n to 82 00 Black 80c to 81 TOBACCO Plug 60c to 81 lOjier pound Smoking 22c to 91 20 Leaf 6 to Be Per pound 8 to 9c Per dozen 8 J1 00 to 812 00 TURN Per bushel 25c Per barrel 812 00 to 8 14 00 By the barrel 82 25 to 82 33 per gal D11Y GdoDS Standard Eastern Sheetings 25 to 30c per yard Muslins 20 to 40c Prints (J8 to 20c Stripes25 to 40c Spool Cotton 81 20 Batting 50 to 65c per Kiinii JJotton Yarn 23 to 3o perdoz Carpet Warp 68 to 70c Groceries! hags Prime anif Choice Rio Coffee hhds Porto Rico i 40 bbls Crushed Pffwijefed rfnd Coffee Sugars 60 bbls Cider Vinegar i soo Cove Oysters 40 butts Chewing Tobacco 60 caddies Chewing Tobacco res uiass ware: soap arid Candles A WEISERT A CAUET Posters Danepromptly at thls Offlee in the beat ERRORS YOUTH A gentleman who suffered for year Debi 1 Ity Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful Indis cretion will for the sake of suffering humanity send free to all who need it the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured Sufferers wish ing to profit by the experience can do so by addressing JOHN OGDEN mh3tplyr No 13 street New York STltVNGE BUT TRIE Eyefyoung lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advantage by re turn mail (free of charge) by addressing the undersigned Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing thiscard All others will pl ease address their obedient servant TIIOS CH APM AN mh3 splyw 831 Broadway New York MARRIAGE AND An Essay of Warning and Instructll QggtEv forYoting Men Also Disensesand Abuses which prematurely prostrate the vital powers with sure means of relief Sent free of charge in senleil letter envelopes Address Dr Skillin Hovgh ton Howard Association Philadeldhia Pa f9wly Estray Notice flUKEX UP by Allred Reel on the 15th lav ol 1 December 1856 in Harri son iwnsliip a dun coloryil A It dark inane and tail si i git I lame a lump on the hock on Ibe'inshle of the i igfit hind leg ami about years old nnd 15 hands higli and appraised at 815 before Tassivell JP Ja5 w3 "HENRY CAUTHORN Clerk Estray Notice rpAKEN UP by David Skain living in township on the 4th day of Decenilier 1866 one estray supposed to be three years old next spring marked with a crop and underbit in the left ear color red nnd wiiite roan appraised at 815before Daniel Trout Ja5 w3 HENRY 8 CAUTHORN Clerk MOORE MERRYMAN SPECIAL NOTICES A Cough A Cold or A Sore Throat Requires immediate attention AND SHOULD BB CHECKED If allowed to continue Irritation of the Lungi Permanent Throat Dis i Valentines! A very fine Just received and for sale to dealer at Cincinnati prices in 85 810 915 and 825 lots at tfltj Shepard it or custommade Boots and Shoes to Wm de21 Valuable arm for Sale We call at the aiTvertinmant Mr ria offering for sale'an excellent farm Ma ceremony of blessing the church i in this County on favorable terms! It is ar rare chance for good investment The pro perty is very desirable INVITES ATTENTION PURCHASERS TO hit new and complete stock of BOOTSANDSHOES All of the best quality and latest styleS and GAITERS SLIPPERS ic of super ior finish and beautiful patterns A' large assortment of SHOES! Of all sizes and qualities To which I respectfully invite the attention of parentsMy stock in this line cannot bes'urpassed Purchasers willdo well to give me a call lam prepared to give great bargains at either Wholesale or Retail! B6I will always give thi closest attention to the manufacture of BCOTS AND SHOES andwarrant tny work to be unsurpassed will use only the best stock ad ntd ae tcrmined to please as to quality and pricM Terms Cash a ANTONE KATPS Main street 3 doors esst of Second Trunks AND TRUNKS ALICES and SATCHELS in all varieties for sale low hv imh30i HUEY WIELOUGH BY oreign ryits! NUTS CANDIES Ac a large aysoftrhnt for by A WEfSERT A CAUfcT A most exnuirilteTJeflcate and ragrant Perfume diuti led from the rare and beautiful flower from which it take itu name Manufactured onlyby SOIV New York BEWARE COUNTEREITS ASK OR TAKE OTHER scl8 swlawA wul lys to in a few weeks by a very gympie remedy after having suffered for sevenfl £ears a severe lung affec tion and that dread disease Consumption is anxious to make no tn hid fpl In I All ha so i nro To all wKoksire it he will send a copy ut the prescrip To Oakicikkk Dui oht No Lombard Paris non vc ui uuirge wiui tne uirecuons ior preparing ana using the same which they will find a scrk curb for Consumptiom Asthma Bronchitis Coughs Colds and all Throat and Lung affections The only object of the advertiser In sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he oonce ves to be invaluable: and he hopes every sufferer will try hisremv edy as i will cost hljnQ nothing and may prove a blessing Parties wishing the prescription frkk by return will please address Rkv EDWARD A WILSON mh3 splyw Williamsburg Kings Co New York A fii Ik!.
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